Sunday, July 21, 2019

Random Thoughts on the Second Hottest Day of the Year

Friday was the worst. Let’s see how far I can get today before I have to shut down my computer because the room is too hot and the cooling fans are screaming.

For those scratching their heads at the header, I live in a part of the country where it gets uncomfortably hot for maybe two weeks out of the year. If I had the disposable income, I might install a swamp cooler (which, at our altitude, would work better than a standard air conditioner), but as when I lived in California, and 1,000 feet lower in Colorado Springs, it makes as much sense to open windows, run fans, and then close the windows and draw the curtains by 9 a.m.

Looking at the forecast, and going by my memory of how the seasons work after three years here in the central San Luis Valley, the worst is close to over. Saturday looked as if it were going to be second hottest day, but then a cold front tore through and rendered the day cool and unsettled until clearing by sundown. We won’t get such a break today, but we’re due for a couple of more classic July scorchers before the month is up and the temperatures begin slowly ratcheting down. As uncomfortable as it gets sometimes, I remind myself we’re three, maybe four weeks out from the leaves changing.

The year is slipping away.

Fade to bright yellow, then orange, then red, then black.

On the bright side, I’m getting a lot of writing done because the browser strains the processor in the heat. Word 2010 uses very little resources, even with a 259-page document open. So, no trawling for silly memes in my downtime. Heck, what downtime? I’ve got nothing else to do but write. It’s a beautiful thing.

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